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Dreamland - Lemon balm, Valerian & Passion flower Organic Herbal Tea Shoti Maa

Dreamland - Lemon balm, Valerian & Passion flower Organic Herbal Tea Shoti Maa

Regular price 49 SEK
Regular price 49 SEK Sale price 49 SEK
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Give yourself a cozy and peaceful moment with passion flower, lemon balm and valerian root. A perfect evening tea before bed to unwind and immerse yourself in the relaxing silence of the night.


Balancing and Calming


Lemon balm* (38%), lemon grass*, carob*, passion flower* (4%), lemon myrtle*, lime*, lavender flowers*, valerian root* (2%), hops*, cardamom*, cinnamon*, cloves*, ginger*, black pepper*

Use & Rituals

Product information

100% ekologisk te med smaker av valeria, citronmeliss och passionsfrukt (16 tepåsar). Helt fritt från koffein. Lägg en påse i hett vatten. Låt dra i 5-6 minuter

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