Guides & Rituals

In our ritual library, we have collected all our ritual guides with associated product suggestions to inspire more rituals in the home. Rituals bring hope and ceremony to our lives. They give new power to manifest our innermost desires and dreams. The power of rituals lies deeply embedded in their intuitive simplicity and how they affect us humans through our subconscious. Deepen your inner connection and create more conscious moments in everyday life.

the inherent power of rituals



Ritual from the Latin rituale "sacred use" is an act of ceremonies with a symbolic meaning that expresses a deeper meaning. Rituals are often connected to rites of passage in life that help us move from one stage to another. Purification rituals of people, objects and places "Smudging" and Protection rituals are also common. Seasonal rituals are strongly connected to the seasons of nature but it can also be the lunar calendar focusing on the full moon and new moon. Sometimes rituals can also be strengthening and helpful when we suffer from crisis, loss or illness .

Rituals vs Routines

Rituals are like routines with the difference that they have been "blessed" with higher powers that only you can give them. Ceremonial rites and symbolic actions that acquire a greater value than its individual parts. Sometimes it can be difficult to define the difference between a "ritual" and a "routine", as both share regularity. Basically, it's about making true promises to ourselves that we choose to live by. Promises that become lasting and permanent. It is when we repeat positive thoughts and actions over time that they also become manifested and enter and change our lives. They are as if we weave them into the fabric of our lives. They become an integral part of who we are. Our innermost being, soul and existence.

Rite of Passage

Rite of passage (French rite de passage ) is a ceremony that marks the transition of a person or group from one stage of the life cycle to another. In most cultures, one finds strong rituals and ceremonies linked to these transitions such as the entry into life (baptism), the transition from child to adult (puberty), student and university graduation, from unmarried to married (the wedding) and from living to dead (the funeral). . The term was coined in the book "Les Rites de passage" from 1909 by the French anthropologist Arnold van Gennep. He identified similarities in the symbolism found worldwide in rites of passage. Among other things, he draws attention to the fact that the "threshold" is a consistent spatial metaphor.

/ rituals

Blue lotus - blå lotus blomma

Blue Lotus - Flower of Intuition

HELIG LOTUS Blå lotus (Nymphaea caerulea), även känd som egyptisk lotus eller helig lotus, är en näckros med betydande kulturell och andlig betydelse i det gamla Egypten. Den är känd för...

Blue Lotus - Flower of Intuition


HELIG LOTUS Blå lotus (Nymphaea caerulea), även känd som egyptisk lotus eller helig lotus, är en näckros med betydande kulturell och andlig betydelse i det gamla Egypten. Den är känd för...

Mjukstarta med naturliga dofter

Mjukstarta med naturliga dofter

HÖSTSTART Låt semesterkänslan dröja sig kvar med rutiner och dofter som ger energi och återhämtning. En mjukstart med naturliga dofter kan skapa en harmonisk och inspirerande miljö när du går in i...

Mjukstarta med naturliga dofter


HÖSTSTART Låt semesterkänslan dröja sig kvar med rutiner och dofter som ger energi och återhämtning. En mjukstart med naturliga dofter kan skapa en harmonisk och inspirerande miljö när du går in i...

Rökelsens tre funktioner

Rökelsens tre funktioner

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Rökelsens tre funktioner


RÖKELSENS FUNKTIONER Rökelsen har tre funktioner som är kopplade till olika doftfamiljer. Den aromaterapeutiska skolan och moderna studier visar att naturliga dofter påverkar människan genom vårt nervsystem och därmed har...

Doftsinnet - vårt första sinne

Doftsinnet - vårt första sinne

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Doftsinnet - vårt första sinne


DOFTSINNET Människan föds in i världen med våra fem sinnen. Det är genom dessa vi upptäcker, tolkar och lever våra liv. Från stunden vi föds så är doftsinnet vårt första...

En ultimat guide till hur du kan använda Palo Santo i dina dagliga ritualer

Palo Santo Ritual Guide

PURIFY - PROTECT - HEALING Palo Santo is a natural incense with a long history among the indigenous people of South America in ceremonies to create calm and whole and...

Palo Santo Ritual Guide


PURIFY - PROTECT - HEALING Palo Santo is a natural incense with a long history among the indigenous people of South America in ceremonies to create calm and whole and...

Protecting Ritual Guide

Protecting Ritual Guide

GUARD - PROTECT - SHIELD The protective ritual - "Protective Incense" creates a protective barrier of smoke and cleanses you of physical and emotional negative energies. A defense that protects,...

Protecting Ritual Guide


GUARD - PROTECT - SHIELD The protective ritual - "Protective Incense" creates a protective barrier of smoke and cleanses you of physical and emotional negative energies. A defense that protects,...