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Tibetan Agarwood Oudh Incense Sticks

Tibetan Agarwood Oudh Incense Sticks

Regular price 115 SEK
Regular price 115 SEK Sale price 115 SEK
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Tibetan Agarwood Oudh Incense

Handmade incense from Nepal. The agar tree is very popular in Tibet and known as the "Wood of the Gods". The agar tree has a mysterious resin that is used for meditation, unlocking the subconscious and balancing the inner winds, life force or chi. It is used to aid in spiritual journeys, to gain mental clarity and to be grounded.

The incense package contains a wooden incense holder.

Burning time: 45 minutes per incense stick.

Quantity: 30 incense sticks.

This product is made by hand from only natural ingredients (herbs, plants and tree species). Each incense is prepared according to the same recipe, but depending on the season when the plants are harvested, there are natural differences that mean the final product can vary in scent and color.



Woody and Spicy


Connection, Grounding, and Clarity


Denna produkt är tillverkad för hand av enbart naturliga ingredienser (örter, växter och trädslag). Varje rökelse är beredd enligt samma recept men beroende på säsong när växterna är skördade så finns naturliga skillnader som gör att slutprodukten kan variera i doft och färg.

Use & Rituals

Ayurveda är ett mångtusenårigt läkekonstsystem från Indien som uppstod som en följd av den avancerade Vedakulturen för c:a 10 000 år sedan. Ordet Ayurveda är sanskrit, där "Ayur” betyder liv och ”Veda” betyder vetskap eller kunskap. Med hjälp av läran om Ayurveda får vi vägledning för hur vi kan leva varje dag i balans med oss själva.

Product information

Varje rökelserör innehåller 30 rökelsepinnar
Brinntid: Ca 45 minuter/pinne
Handmade in Nepal

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  • Let intuition guide you

    When you shop online and don't have access to your sense of smell, you can always trust your intuition to guide you to what you need. Perhaps a particular flower evokes a feeling. The name of an herb makes you remember childhood. Choosing fragrances is about being sensitive to the senses and letting the feeling guide the choices. The body knows what it needs. We just need to stop and listen.

  • Sustainable products & packaging

    Our incense products are completely organic and natural that are harvested in season and turned into ash that gives new nourishment to mother earth. We have also chosen to remove all unnecessary product packaging. We pack smartly and use only natural and recyclable materials such as paper, cardboard, aluminum and glass.

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