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Sagrada Madre

Purification Herbal Bombita Sagrada Madre

Purification Herbal Bombita Sagrada Madre

Regular price 39 SEK
Regular price 39 SEK Sale price 39 SEK
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Purification Herbal Incense 

Magically cleansing and fragrant incense balls that are hand-rolled from herbs that cleanse negative energies with active ingredients of real sage, bay leaves, cedar and eucalyptus.

Scent notes: Refreshing and smooth scent of wild herbs and mint.

Fragrance intensity: 3/5

Smoke intensity: 4/5






Innehåll: salvia, lagerblad, ceder och eukalyptus.

Use & Rituals

Negativa energier
Aura Cleansing
Bad spirits

Product information

Brinntid: 10 min per rökelseboll
Antal: 4
Mått: 3 cm i diameter
Nettovikt: 60 gr

Innehåll: Alla produkter är helt naturliga, ekologiska och handgjorda av högsta kvalitet i Argentina. 100% vegansk och innehåller inga kemikalier eller syntetiska tillsatser.

* Övertänd inte rökelsebollen genom att elda för länge på den. Det räcker att den börjar glöda lite smått, placera sedan i en brandsäker behållare. Tänds i ventilerad miljö. Förvaras utom räckhåll för barn eller djur. Går ej att förtära. Håll borta från brandfarliga material.

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  • Let intuition guide you

    When you shop online and don't have access to your sense of smell, you can always trust your intuition to guide you to what you need. Perhaps a particular flower evokes a feeling. The name of an herb makes you remember childhood. Choosing fragrances is about being sensitive to the senses and letting the feeling guide the choices. The body knows what it needs. We just need to stop and listen.

  • Sustainable products & packaging

    Our incense products are completely organic and natural that are harvested in season and turned into ash that gives new nourishment to mother earth. We have also chosen to remove all unnecessary product packaging. We pack smartly and use only natural and recyclable materials such as paper, cardboard, aluminum and glass.

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