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Denise Linn

Native Spirit Oracle Cards

Native Spirit Oracle Cards

Regular price 250 SEK
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Sacred Practises for Everyday Life 

The Native Spirit Oracle Cards deepen your connection to the mystical, natural forces around you. Created by Denise Linn, an enrolled member of the Cherokee tribe and the best-selling author of the books Quest and Kindling the Native Spirit. This deck of 44 cards contains the keys to unlocking a wonderful world where you will discover what fate has in store for you. Born at the base of a sacred mountain, these oracle cards carry the mysterious energy that surrounded their birth. Each card opens a gateway so that you can powerfully and instantly discern your own unique, secret messages from the universe.

Product information:
Contains: 44 maps and a 160-page guidebook in English.
Author: Denise Linn
Language: English

Product information

Innehåller: 44 kort och en guidebok på 160 sidor på engelska.
Författare: Denise Linn
Språk: Engelska

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  • Let intuition guide you

    When you shop online and don't have access to your sense of smell, you can always trust your intuition to guide you to what you need. Perhaps a particular flower evokes a feeling. The name of an herb makes you remember childhood. Choosing fragrances is about being sensitive to the senses and letting the feeling guide the choices. The body knows what it needs. We just need to stop and listen.

  • Sustainable products & packaging

    Our incense products are completely organic and natural that are harvested in season and turned into ash that gives new nourishment to mother earth. We have also chosen to remove all unnecessary product packaging. We pack smartly and use only natural and recyclable materials such as paper, cardboard, aluminum and glass.

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